Positive Social Media Personal Training

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Social media throughout the world is used to interact within groups or individually to share and produce as well as exchange ideas over the internet. Throughout the world of social media maintaining a positive digital footprint is very important. A positive media page enables you to express yourself and your interests, stay connected to family and friends and is very useful to the future for employment. On the downside social media can have a negative impact on people such as cyber- bullying, inappropriate images that can affect your career and addiction. From the influence of social media personal training is career I would like to pursue in. The following platforms will help assist a positive digital footprint. These platforms include Instagram, …show more content…

Instagram is a platform which utilizes in like-minded people to discover your business or interests by simply following the clients and the clients following you. Having a professional reputation as a personal trainer, Instagram is a beneficial media in allowing you to motivate clients, express your love in fitness as well as reach out to more people who are interested in the same business as yourself. To all this to happen I have made Instagram as a Private account so I can have the control of who the followers are and which pages that can benefit my love for fitness.

Facebook is a social media website allowing people to create profiles, upload photos and videos as well as interact with other people. As a personal trainer, Facebook enables public features such as marketplace, groups, events and pages to share your interest of personal training and connect in many different ways. To support and utilize the job of a personal trainer, Facebook has empowered my love for fitness through posting motivational videos and images, connecting with other clients within the fitness industry and tracking events I should

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