Positive Effects Of Foster Care

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The affects foster care has on children Foster care is a system in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver referred to as a foster parent. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency. Family-based foster care is generally preferred to other forms of out of home care. Foster care is intended to be a short term solution until a permanent placement can be made. The first choice of adoptive parents is a relative such as an aunt, uncle or grandparent, which is known as kinship care. If no related family member is willing or able to adopt, the next preference is for the child to be adopted by the foster parents or by someone else involved in the child 's life (such as a teacher or coach). This is to maintain stability in the child 's life. If neither above option are available, the child may be adopted by someone who is a stranger to the child. When the child is put into the care of someone who is a stranger that is when the stability problems and abuse and neglect start to happen to the child. Not all foster care homes are bad. Some children are lucky and get loving, caring foster parents. But most of the time kids are placed with foster care parents who are just …show more content…

It’s a complete state of mind and a sense of belonging that your whole life revolves around as you grow and develop into adulthood. Probably the most important aspect of a permanent home is the level of support the child will gain. According to the “Moving Children Out of Foster Care” study by the National Conference of State Legislators, “this network of support can help a child perform well academically, have positive mental and overall health outcomes and make it more likely that they will develop good relationship and social skills that can enable them to become successful adults" (qtd. in

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