Positive Conflict Resolution: The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

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Positive Conflict Resolution
Throughout history, countless situations involving conflict have arisen. In conflict, there is always a way out, whether it appears right away, or long after it has started. It can be effortless or stressful no matter what the situation. The problem does not have to be great, like war between nations, it could be as simple as a dispute between a classmate or coworker. People can best respond to any type of conflict through acts of peace and having a positive attitude, as well as being courageous and standing up for others.
Furthermore, conflict can be a hassle to get out of, and in reality, the best thing to do is avoid it whenever possible. If avoiding it is not an option, then a positive attitude is the way to go. This can help tremendously with any situation. A great example of a positive attitude is from Anne Frank: The Diary of Anne Frank, “Not me, I liked it from the start; it sounds so reassuring, especially at night” (Frank 374). She faces having to move from her house to a small, secluded house, in order to escape from the persecution of Jews. Even though she faces so many struggles, she found something she likes, thus helping her cope with heavy conflict. Another example of Anne Frank’s positive thinking, “It’s …show more content…

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