Positive And Negative Reinforcers Research Paper

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Motivation with Positive and Negative Reinforcers During the morning huddle HCAHPS scores of each area are discussed. Depending on the score this can be considered a positive or negative enforcer. Motivation encourages the housekeeper to stay hyped even when things are difficult. A leader should inquire from each housekeeper what type of recognition they seek. (Eisen, n.d.). They may either request a monetary award or just praise when they accomplish their goal. When someone goes above and beyond they definitely need to be acknowledged in front of the whole group. Before when our HCAHPS scores where in the eighty percent level overall the survey reports were read only on Mondays. We have gained new employees which has helped in productivity, but has caused a decrease in patient satisfaction. The director reads the scores everyday now which one could consider it as nagging or a negative reinforcement. (Hirsch, n.d.). If the director or other staff probe the employee why he or she received the bad rapport, the laborer usually goes into defensive mode and will give excuses. People that have worked there for years are experiencing a drastic …show more content…

(Nahavandi, , Denhardt, R. , Denhardt, J., & Aristigueta, 2015). There are a lot of times that the morning housekeeping staff will keep quiet while certain people represent suggestions that others might convey. This could be fear due to repercussions by the director or a supervisor. Active listening comes into effect to understand the point of view of a person. If the director is not open minded then the words expressed by someone will just be an afterthought. Supportive communication can be expressed by the director through him checking his understanding, through summarizing, feedback, and clarification to ensure a proper action. (University of Southampton,

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