Popular Sour Candies

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A Revolution in the World of Sour Candies
Across the market, dozens of sour flavored candies are sold. Popular brand names such as Warheads and Sour Patch Kids are just part of everyday candies that society consumes pretty regularly, and they love the cringing and tongue biting sensation each of these sweets give. The question is how can we make these candies even more sour, possibly by using new ingredients? After gathering information and doing research, it is shown that oxalic acid could be a new ingredient to make candies sour, and a carefully constructed candy wrapper can actually make a candy seem more sour.
First, it is important to understand how popular sour candies give off that sour tasting sensation. Acids, which are chemical substances that are below 7.0 on the pH scale, create the sourness in various popular sour candies. These substances give off H+ ions, which triggers the brain to send messages to the taste buds, which consist of 30-100 specialized cells, allowing the human body to feel the sensation of sourness. (Hartel 167). But something that is not well known is that the structure of an acid comes into play when determining the sourness of an acid. According to Neta, Johanningsmeier, and McFeeters, “It was recognized that sour taste could not be explained solely on the basis of hydrogen ions. It was clear that organic acids could also …show more content…

Sour candies make up a large portion of the candy industry, and using new methods and innovations can help improve the quality of these candies. If the use of oxalic acid and carefully constructed candy wrappers are incorporated in the creation of sour candies, the sourness and quality of these candies will increase as they both influence how humans taste and feel the sour sensation. This is important because finding the answer will not only increase the quality of sour candies around the world, but also revolutionize the world of

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