Popular Mechanics Raymond Carver Summary

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In the short story "Popular Mechanics" Raymond Carver gives simple descriptions about the weather and presents darkness.Carver might not had put much description when it came to the weather that day ,but he accomplishes setting a type of empty and gloom feeling in the reader.He presents darkness throughout the story as a way to get the reader to feel how the argument with the couple matches with the weather.When Carver combines both descriptions of the weather and darkness throughout the story he let's the reader feel how the weather can have a great impact on the mood of the story. Carver starts the story off describing the weather on the streets and foreshadows the reader letting them know that the weather that day didn't look so good from the beginning .Simple descriptions ,yet the reader can form a vivid picture of the weather. He starts off writing, Just when the reader might start losing the feeling the weather gave them in the beginning ,Carver cleverly adds 2 sentences that get the reader's attention. Both sentences have to do with darkness. Towards the ending of the short story Carver writes "The kitchen window gave no light" getting the reader's attention letting them know that the story doesn't get better.After a reader reads that they get another sinking feeling knowing that something bad might happen. As if that sentence still didn't get the reader to feel the mood he also adds in a simple description about the charcter "In the near-dark he worked..." saying ,pay attention because this story may go downhill from here.In fact the idea is brilliant ,because in fact the story goes downhill with the couple in conflict determine for one of them to gain control over the baby.Carver describes the darkness both times with a state of weather and foreshadows the reader for the unfortunate ending at the same

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