Pope Urban 2 Dbq Analysis

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Unlike other institutions, the Roman Catholic church relied heavily on direct violence when solving conflicts during the Middle Ages. The church used dubious strategies for internal and external conflicts, becoming a haven for violence and hatred. Muslims were viewed as savages, and did not believe Jesus Christ to be a savior to men, just a prophet (Notes). Thus, Islamic followers were a threat to salvation for Christians, who were unable to rationally think through this threat to their belief system. To eliminate the situation with the Muslims, Pope Urban II called for the first crusade, “to help expel that wicked race from our Christian lands before it is too late” (Source 40). Thus, war erupted between the two groups spanning multiple centuries …show more content…

This promise of guaranteed eternal life in heaven blinded people against the true horrors of war and the irrationality of traveling far lengths to kill entire populations of people. Followers would do anything for their pope, their god, and their salvation. Additionally, the call of “Let those...who are accustomed to wage private wars wastefully even against believers, go forth now and to be finished in victory” was common, but not rational (Source 40). It shows the primitive thought of people during the time as they took preexisting violence and transferred it to a new conflict rather than looking for a more amicable resolution, while also giving a direct excuse from god to behave violently towards fellow men. As expected from humans, ensuing actions were evil, and accounts of crusades describe the Christians as savages, “Within this temple about ten thousand were beheaded. If you had been there, your feet would have been stained up to the ankles with the blood of the slain...Not one of them was allowed to live. They did not spare the women and children” (Source

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