Pop Culture Vs Religion

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Religion utilizes popular culture as a method of attaining people’s interest. It’s proven psychologically that people tends to get attracted to the content hidden in media commercials or in films. Variety of today’s big corporations are interested in using religion as in their media advertisements. Enormous corporation machines like Coca-Cola, and Apple use their products, which became big parts of pop culture, to overlap the barriers of society. They needed a topic that is excessively useful in a way of advertising. Some of the corporations chose the method of mixing religion and popular culture. Why is talking about Coca-Cola, or Apple helps us to understand pop culture? To understand how pop culture is raising peoples’ interest in religion, …show more content…

As more of our society work for profit, pop culture is becoming stronger. According to the Marx’s philosophy, “we create a superstructure that supports itself and upgrades itself through an ideology that creates government, religion and education; all helped to create more complex superstructure that keeps the system feeling so normal, and satisfying to us.” It’s not easy to change the mass feelings about the religion, but as long as pop culture crosses the religion, the religion itself gets some changes over the time, according to what pop culture they’re being …show more content…

Peoples’ race are closely related to their culture, tradition and religion. Also, in the process of defining the peoples’ race, we have to account the pop culture of theirs and religion of theirs. It’s hard to say that the specific religion is made for a specific race of mankind, but as the geographic location of the race affects the religion of theirs, I would say the religion plays a huge role in the characteristics of the races. Sometimes pop culture highlights the stereotype of the race. For example, the films “True Lies” and “Siege”, which were made in Hollywood, showed the stereotype of Arabic people to the white culture. They brought up the stereotyping that says Arabic men are dangerous and inept. The Hollywood pop culture showed the world as that Arabic man are always in the bad side while our white hero saves the day. Even though, they showed Arabic man as violent, dangerous and inept, the Hollywood showed an Asian man as wise, calm, and spiritual. For example, in the short video “the Beginning of Wisdom” that’s shown in the lecture slides, the oriental monk teaches his wisdom to his student. It’s true that the American pop culture often showed Asian men as reliable friends than enemy of states. What makes this differences in our way of stereotyping the races? The answer is the religion. The main religion of the Middle Eastern area is Muslim, some of the Muslim worships require some sacrifices,

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