Pop Culture And Gay Rights

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Pop culture is nothing new to the world of genres; the artists write songs that contain their values, beliefs, personal stories and ideas of society. Pop songs create their own genre by portraying their styles, musical patterns and techniques in addition to their lyrics. They tend to have similar structural patterns in which the lyrics are arranged into intro-verse-chorus-verse-bridge-chorus. When using the word genre, one most familiarly would relate this to a book, song or movie associated within a specific category; it is commonplace to know that all books in the non-fiction genre will be have similar formal features such as incorporating facts and statistics. However, there is another layer to this, according to Dirk, “The definition of …show more content…

In the past, it was commonplace to mask gay lifestyles and culture; members of this community were condemned to a life of suppression. It is apparent that an assimilation of tolerance of homosexual culture and gay rights has emerged; yet the society has not entirely complied with all elements of this relatively new culture, hence the controversy surrounding it. A contribution to this new found tolerance has derived from the trending popularity of gay lifestyle in pop culture; some artists are emerging as homosexual, while others are expressing their values aligned with this movement. Because of this homosexual movement, society as a whole is struggling with the controversy with personal morals/ religion vs. civil right and equality. The genre of the pop songs itself takes partial responsibility for introducing the world to tolerance of gay rights. These songs, produced by famous artists with millions of fans and dollars, provide a powerful support system and call for revision of society’s viewpoint towards the homosexual community. One of the most notable figures in the gay rights movement was Harvey Milk, an openly gay American politician elected in the 80s; the movie “Milk” stemmed from his struggle in politics as a homosexual. This film directly shows how other genres have additionally participated in the cultural …show more content…

People in society can access this genre by turning on the radio or by watching a television station associated with music; additionally, this genre has globally spread and can be found in many countries throughout the world. And yet it’s slightly more complicated, not all people participating in this genre are consciously aware of the formal features or cultural functions working within. Commonly, people who listen to this genre of music do not realize its specific message is targeting homosexual lifestyle and promoting the gay rights movement. This is how the genre is able to stay alive, by pertaining to a very large audience. Pop music is a popular genre and radio listeners, mostly teens and young adults, are responsible for its flourishing industry. Gay rights pop songs are known to be subtle with their messages they are sending to the audience, they describe their beliefs on gay rights within a song that can be relatable to any other pop song, making the audience less aware of the distinct differences this genre

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