Polonius's Madness

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Hamlet at this point is only pretending to be mad. He feigns madness by calling Polonius a “fishmonger” with one breath and then recalls he has a daughter with the next. Polonius calls his replies, “pregnant”. He means they are full of meaning and he claims that to be “a happiness that often madness hits on,” (II.ii.227-228). Polonius says, aside, that Hamlet’s lengthy replies are a sign of madness. Hamlet is revealed to be only pretending to be mad because as Polonius leaves Hamlet says aside, “These tedious old fools” (II.ii.237). This shows that Hamlet clearly knows and hates Polonius and was putting up an act. It is also a short remark and as Polonius stated, long remarks are signs of madness.
2. Hamlet calls Denmark a prison, “one o`

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