Political Comedy Shows: A Satirical Study

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With all the positives associated with political comedy shows, the exposure and coverage need to be understood with a small amount of skepticism. The means of measuring the amount of viewers, the type of viewers, and the effectiveness of political comedy shows are nothing short of a chance conclusion normally conducted by surveys and controlled environments. Yet, each study proves that humor can be used as a way to entice non-traditional political viewers to gathering political knowledge from shows such as The Daily Show. Political comedy in the minds of some scholars completely desensitizes the seriousness of the information being presented. By morphing serious matters into trivial sensationalism, political comedy shows create a society that …show more content…

Political comedy shows can be defined as a television program that feature parodies of political figures and humorous coverage of current issues and events (Cao, 2008). In other words, political comedy programs cover the basics of “Soft News”, which contrary to traditional network news, covers lower levels of public affairs information and focuses “more on the drama, sensationalism, human-interest themes, and [candidate] personalities” within the political sphere. (Baumgartner & Morris, 2006; Baum, 2002, 2003b; Patterson 2000) By presenting political information in a saturated humorous manner, political comedy shows may have the ability to both entertain and educate its viewers. As opposed to traditional news sources, political comedy creates a new type of atmosphere that the unfamiliar viewer can increase their personal political efficacy. A study conducted by Brewer and Marquardt (2007), discovered that The Daily Show covered election and public affairs even during the off years. Not only were findings suggestive of political coverage during the non election years, studies conducted by Young in 2004 concluded that TDS reported over 33% of it’s jokes could be attributed to the political issues during the presidential campaign. By using an easy medium in order to gain political information, political comedy shows decreases the cognitive usage of avidly paying attention and packages the political information in an entertaining way to result in people receiving information without being having cognizant awareness. This results in the Gateway Theory, originally coined by Baum, concludes that soft news programs provide a gateway that entertains and educates inexperienced viewers. This postern engages inactive civilians in learning political information without the intent of doing so. In

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