Police Officer Career Paper

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“Police Officers take risks and secure that safety of fellow citizens, and they endure such risks and tolerate such inconveniences on behalf of strangers” (International Association of Chief of Police). In this paper I will be talking about the history, skill set, duties, training, education, job outlook, and more for being a police officer. First, the career I am researching is a police officer. I am interested in this career because police officers can make an impact on their community, which is something I want to do. I do not want a routine and usually there isn’t a routine. Also when being a police officer new challenges are offered every day. People also get a decent salary, good benefits, and constant opportunities to learn new things. It has been one of my many dreams in …show more content…

Policing in the United States followed after the development of police work in England. In the early colonies the United States had two types of police work informal, and communal. The informal was referred to as “Watch” while the profit police organization was called “The Big Stick.” The “Watch” did not have any real effect because the watchmen usually slept or drank but still the Watch continued well after the American Revolution. The idea of having multiple police departments was first brought up in the 1830s. Boston was the first American Police Force followed by New York City shortly after. By the 1880s all U.S cities had multiple police forces. In the more southern states American policing development was different than the other states. They had “Slave Patrol” instead of the “Watch” or “The Big Stick.” The first “Slave Patrol” was created in 1704 in Carolina. Slave patrols had two main rules (1) Chase down, and return slaves in their owners, and (2) Provide an organized terror to scare slave. This was eliminated after the enforcement of the “Jim Crow” law. (Eastern Kentucky

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