Police Observation

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I've researched about the volunteer program in phoenix, and it is named COPS "Citizens Offering Police support" This program is running through out all Phoenix Arizona departments. The volunteer organization is dedicated to helping the Phoenix Police Department and the community. Today, they have almost 200 volunteers working in a variety of units within COPS department. They also have university and college students interns working on their career paths with program. The COPS Program brings the community into the police family. Volunteers working shoulder to shoulder with police officers and our support staff can see the difficulty and value of the police mission. Although it isn't easy to just become apart of the support system, it's more …show more content…

some of the advantages of having sources/volunteers is that, the more volunteers a unit has the more support it has. By that I mean if a community comes together and builds a strong trust worthy relationship, the community would be much safer. So I believe the more volunteers a department gathers, the less crime would happen, and more education will come along by having so much and all kinds of people involved. Also the state will continue to save money, because the more people volunteer and get the little jobs done that a police officer really should not be doing, or does not have time to be doing, that is why there are volunteers, and that is how it should go, the community working to help better, and the law enforcement protecting us. Some of the cons are that to some people their role may seem unclear, not only that but that will start to feel understated. At times some people won't want to complete the training task they need in order to advance in their volunteering techniques. There are many pros and cons as to being a volunteer for the law enforcement, but I believe that the pros are very much worth it, and the cons happen, because it is proven as to why the person is just a

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