Police Interrogation Essay

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focus on any other suspects or aspects to the case that may actually be linked to the crime. Unfortunately, tunnel vision is also an unconscious act as well so many officers may not even know that they are experiencing it as well (Rassin 2010). Another thing that is important to the investigation are the police reports that are taken. These reports are highly vital to the case because they talk about everything that happened during the arrest, what types of charges the person may receive, and whether they may need a psychological evaluation. Police reports are also important because the prosecutor heavily relies on them and the defense rarely ever does any investigation of their own. When writing these reports, police officers are usually taught …show more content…

Yet, one fifth of exonerations have been found that people confessed to a crime that they did not commit. The whole point of interrogation is to try and extract the confession from the criminal who they know has already committed the crime so that way their trial will go a lot smoother. Often police interrogation may take place even before they have started investigation or know anything about the person they are interrogating. In order to get the confession they want, many extreme and rough psychological techniques are used in order to break the criminal, but sometimes these techniques are used on an innocent person instead which will still cause them to confess to a crime they did not commit. Although the suspect may know they have the right to remain silent, many times they will often still wave their rights because they know they are innocent and therefore have nothing to hide. When looking at some of the psychological techniques used when interrogating someone, the first most notable thing that is used is the small room they use that completely isolates the suspect of any other communication, which will make the suspect feel very insecure and …show more content…

Forensic science was the seconded leading cause of wrongful convictions in the first two hundred exonerations. There are quite a

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