Police Brutality Research Paper

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POLICE BRUTALITY “In 1989 there were 3,515 complaints filed against the police. That is down from 5,120 in 1986. Even in Los Angeles, with the Daryl Gates in control the rate dropped from 1,813 charges in 1986 to 1,556 in 1990.” ( Police Brutality ) As time goes by the number of police hate crimes has decreased. Is this is a sign of change? Is police brutality becoming less of a problem? As time goes on, the police have been one of the major issues in many countries. It should be stated that everyday American police officers face violent criminals and possible death. Between 1980 and 1989, there were 1,514 police officers killed in the line of duty. Despite the danger, the police force show amazing restraint. This is a sign of necessary

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