Point Of View In The Book 'Trash'

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In the novel ‘Trash’, there are many different points of view of characters such as, Raphael, Gardo, Father Juilliard and Olivia Weston. Just by having a variety of different point of views, the reader is given more information on the event and understanding the characters and the storyline itself is enhanced.

Because there isn’t a point of view from Rat in part three, chapters 1-8, the reader knows very little about Rat. But just from the other point of views from characters such as Raphael and Gardo, the reader will have a general idea of who Rat is and what he looks like. On page 19, Raphael describes Rat, “His real name is Jun-Jun.” “He was the only kid in Behala that I knew of who had no family.” On page 18, from Raphael’s point of view, he says, “I’m thinking it’s about the only place they’re not gonna look.” This is the point in ‘Trash’ where Raphael suggests to Gardo that they should hide the bag in Rat’s home. Part three, …show more content…

The point of view of each character may explain how they are involved on the event. When Raphael describes Rat, he informs the reader about things that they don’t already know. This creates a better understanding of Rat, and as the story expands, the reader will better understand Rat’s actions in the story. If Raphael had not explained to the reader why they were going to hide the bag inside Rat’s home, it could be something too sudden for the reader to understand why they decided to hide the bag there. If Olivia hadn’t written about the visit of Gabriel Olondriz, the reader will later on be confused when the characters started talking about the information that Gabriel provided them. By including this event in the story, the reader can better understand the situation and also, be given extra information from Gabriel that both characters and the reader didn’t

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