Pocket Guide Of History

707 Words2 Pages

History as we know it simply means the past; however, the work we actually take in history is not only facts of the past including lists of ‘important’ names, dates, and locations but also accumulative perspective and speculation on events regarding humanistic patterns and tendencies. The previously stated is in fact exactly what historians do; which is not only dissecting past documentation of certain people, places, and events, but to form educated speculations to both assist optimal future decisions and to understand the tendencies of which our ancestors brought upon us, in a way assisting the understanding of ourselves and to further evolve sophistication.
In relevance to what was mentioned prior, there are certain methods of approach for historians to take when speculating recorded data. A Pocket Guide to Writing In History is a one hundred sixty-four page book which contains seven chapters that pertains and assists to beginning historians and/or students who are interested in writing about related topics to history. As stated in the beginning, this book describes significantly well what history exactly is, and throughout describes the historian method whilst demonstrating citation tools, guidelines, and interpretation/evaluation of particular sources; be it primary, secondary, or tertiary. Importantly, the pocket guide …show more content…

Though as useful as the analysis of these professional historians or popular authors can be, the information will be subject to bias or more to the point, through their perspective of analysis. Not to be mistaken, secondary sources also serve purpose of either quickly briefing yourself of a particular situation or opening yourself to other perspectives of the case in

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