Plague Vs. Man's Life In The Dark Ages

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In this cartoon, there are two men very Middle Age style clothes. One of the men is being shown through a television screen and the other is sitting in a chair, a dog lying down to his left. The man standing in the screen is acting as a Middle Age meteorologist. He points to the weather map like screen behind him, which reads words that describe life in the Dark Ages. “Superstition, Oppression, Ignorance, Disease, and Death,” are the words shown under the pictures that describe them, along with a few stray weather clouds. With a look of concern on his face, the T.V. man says, “Well, folks… the Dark Ages continues to hang over the region with no signs of letting up anytime soon!” The Dark Age weatherman was not wrong about the Dark Ages not letting up soon. Most countries during this time …show more content…

One of the most famous occurrences of the Dark Ages was the Bubonic Plague, a.k.a. The Black Plague. This disease spread rapidly through Europe and other countries surrounding it. The sickness was brought to these places through a disease that is carried by rodents. Since Europe wasn’t very clean at this time, the rats and mice spread the plague extremely quick. This plague kill 30 to 60 percent of Europe alone. This famous plague can be referred back to the cartoon as the “death” and “disease” words on the map. One of the other big words on the screen, “oppression,” was another big cause of darkness in the Middle Ages. The Dark Ages occurred right when the Roman Empire fell completely, which made the Roman Catholic Church lose some of their power as well. Because of this, Catholic Church tightened its grip on the people under its control. For “tyranny, ignorance, and superstition,” these came about because of how hectic their lives were with all of the pain and suffering. Having all of these terrible things add up is never good for a society, but some time they just couldn’t get

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