Plague Saint Sebastian

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Protector of the Plague
Saint Sebastian was regarded as one of the most popular plague Saints in the fifteenth and sixteenth century. He was the chief defender of the plague because of his endurance and defense of his faith. Death was considered God’s punishment for sin, so devotees sought pictorial and spiritual methods using Sebastian’s imagery to appease God. Louise Marshall’s, The Body of a Plague Saint, focused on the invention of two pictorial devices that shifted the way St. Sebastian was seen as an object of prayer. Sheila Barker’s, Making of a Plague Saint, discussed how Sebastian’s imagery evolved from religious and secular themes over the course of the threat of plague. Different methods of iconography involving political, therapeutic, …show more content…

Marshall indicates Renaissance altarpieces of the Martyrdom of Sebastian were highly detailed and grandiose. These precisely painted altarpieces were regarded as a product of “Art for art’s sake” Accuracy was used as a persuasive mechanism to make the narrative seem more real and easier to relate to. Barker argues that it was a common belief that the more beautiful the image of offering was, then the more God would be satisfied and soften his wrath. Barker also reasons aesthetically pleasing images were also used as a visual medicine to maintain pleasant …show more content…

I can see this serving as a sign of hope to supplement their prayers. It shows holy figures suffering, just as the plague victims were, but sending a consoling message that they are no longer in pain in heaven.
The questions I have after reading the articles are: when artists painted Sebastian nude, did this induce impure thoughts on the viewers? Wasn’t the act of showing off how skill and beauty demonstrate having too much pride, which is considered one of the deadly sins? Why is Apollo associated with Saint Sebastian? Is there any proof of Sebastian imagery saving others from the plague? Did the believers ever lose devotion?
In class we learned that Sebastian is a key plague saint and is usually depicted pierced by arrows to resemble the buboes of the plague. However, now I have a clear understanding as to why he was chosen to become part of the iconography of the plague and how he served as a comforting model to

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