Pizza Essay

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It is lunch time, my favorite time of the day, yet the most challenging time of the day, having to decide whether I should take a cheat day and eat a slice of pizza or be healthy and eat a salad? Not only do I have to decide between a pizza or a salad, now I have to think about what toppings my pizza should include. In reality, my mind has already made its decision, who can say no to pizza right? Yes, indeed I chose to eat a slice of pizza but it gets better, my slice of pizza is not an ordinary slice of pizza, it is made with certain toppings which include pepperoni, black olive, green pepper, tomato and extra cheese. After I devour my pizza, reality bites back, I take a step back and think about what is about to happen in my body. Join me on this journey through the digestive system.
The pizza begins its journey with ingestion, the simple …show more content…

The food bolus goes down the pharynx a tube which connects the mouth to the esophagus. The esophageal sphincter then closes after food enters the esophagus and peristalsis moves food through the esophagus to the stomach. Then the gastroesophageal surrounding the cardial orifice opens and food enters the stomach. The stomach is a J-shaped, muscular pouch positioned in the abdomen. The stomach is made out of three layers of muscularis externa for mechanical digestion. Digestion in the stomach begins when it churns and mixes food with four secretions of the stomach wall which are hydrochloric acid (HCL) its task is to keep the stomach functioning properly maintaining the stomach acidic, mucus, inactive enzyme pepsinogen that is then converted into an active pepsin, pepsin enzyme works best in the acidic environment, pepsin also kills the bacteria that is swallowed along with your food at the time of ingestion. After the food has been broken down from solid material into liquid, also known as chyme. Chyme then exits the stomach through the pylorus into the small

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