Pilgrim At Tinker Creek Essay

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For decades’ scientists across the world have fought against each other about this topic. Most agree it exists while others doubt it is even real. Some even deny humans have anything to do with it. The topic at hand is none other than global warming. Many scientists believe that climate change is a direct resultant of greenhouse gases, fossil fuel usage, and overall human pollution while others believe that climate change is exaggerated in the sense of human causation and that global warming is simply a normal process which the earth undergoes every once and awhile. In the novel Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard, the notion of global warming is evident throughout the novel. Dillard uses her intricate vocabulary to explain her views on …show more content…

Patrick Gonzales, a forest ecologist and climate change scientist writes that there is clear scientific evidence that manmade carbon emission is directly linked to global warming which harms the ecosystem and human’s wellbeing. Gonzalez says the pollution exiting industrial society ends up in African villages and causes the earth to warm which damages the ecosystem and humans living in that area. He also claims the biggest reason for this issue is the carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere is twice the amount of people on Earth and because of this there is not enough plants to absorb the carbon dioxide which traps it in the atmosphere thus causing the Greenhouse effect. Gonzalez continues talking about warmer conditions melting artic ice 20% from 1979 to 2006 which has increased pressure on water reservoirs in the Andes and the warmer water has also killed an abundance of coral reefs. Overall in my opinion I do not know how you could deny global warmings existence is any way. There is clear evidence of pollution in various places and that pollution leads to global warming. We continue to clear forests to make room for more housing, cities, and industrial plants which heavily increases carbon dioxide as we are ridding ourselves of the plants that get rid of carbon dioxide and filling it with more environmentally harmful things. Everything we do has consequences and industrializations consequence seems to be global

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