Piggy Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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Explore Golding’s presentation of Piggy in Lord of the Flies. Could it be argued that Piggy is a hero?
Lord of the flies dramatizes the conflict between the civilisation and savagery that exists in all human beings. Every choice that the author makes is designed to emphasize the struggle between the order of society, which includes morality, order, law and culture and chaotic elements of humanity’s savage instincts, which include anarchy, bloodlust, the desire for power, amorality, selfishness and violence. As the story progresses we see the swift fall of civilisation and the rise of savagery which is a key motif of this dystopian novel. One of the main characters, Piggy is used to present many allegorical messages such as injustice in society. However as savagery becomes more intense in the novel, Piggy is defenceless and weak so begins to suffer more injustices and eventually …show more content…

“He wiped his glasses and adjusted them on his button nose. The frame had made a deep, pink V on the bridge.” Whenever, Piggy is talked about, there is always a description of the pig. “Button nose” refers to the button like nose, he and a pig share. The boys cannot look beyond his appearance demonstrating the idea that the boys do not accept him as a human being and shows his lack of identity and worth as well as the fact it is an animal that is hunted and killed on the island; a parallel to Piggy's fate. Pigs are slaughtered and eaten because they are inferior to us. They are inferior as they aren’t nice to look at and no one wants them. According to these points, Piggy cannot yet be classified as a hero as he hasn’t demonstrated any noble qualities but is just seen as a social outcast, almost a caricature of a school nerd. His attitude and disabilities often limit him to achieve his true

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