Pieces of Me by Amber Kiser

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Characters: Maddie is the main character. Maddie came into the story first and then met Q. Q and her are like brother and sister, they are very close and they help each other when they need some confidence or they need to be convinced that everything is going to be ok. She is very poor and she is homeless, she has a great personality which is very kind and caring. She starts out not super confident in herself but she always stays positive about herself when she is homeless. When she meets Q she becomes very confident in herself because Q shows her how she can get perfect food from the dumpster at the restaurant and she makes a plan for her life. Then she realizes that life may not turn out to be so bad. Her and Q are very nice to each other. They protect and comfort each other when they are not feeling good about something. When they meet Dylan, a young boy who is also homeless but has no parents so Maddie and Q are stuck with him, they think that Dylan is a very kind boy and he feels bad that Maddie has to take care of him. “‘I’m sorry, he said.’”(71) Dylan said this because he feels bad that Maddie has to watch and take care of him. POV: The author’s point of view is reflected through the main character, Maddie. The book is written from Maddie’s point of view which is a first person point of view. When she talks she says “I” and she says “you” when she says something to Q. This would mean that Maddie is talking so she would be telling the story so it is from the first persons point of view. Maddie tells us her feelings that Q and Dylan do not know about because she thinks it but since she is the first person we can read her thoughts. I know more about the authors thoughts on homelessness because we hear Maddie’s thoughts and f... ... middle of paper ... ...e edges Order: I think that the order that the author decided to put the events in is very well written because it makes a lot of sense. It makes the book more interesting because it leaves me hanging and I always am wondering what is going to happen next. I think it is much more enjoyable to read a book like that than a book that is very predictable. “‘The third time Evan hit me, I left.’”(2) This is important to the order because none of the events would have happened if she had not left because she would have had her mom. The author did this to prove that if something in life goes wrong, life’s not over. It can still be fixed and good things will still happen. “‘I have an idea.’” This is showing that after several bad things she is realizing that she has an idea to make things better which proves that good things will happen if you keep thinking positively.

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