Physical Development In Childhood: A Case Study

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Physical Development I want to discuss the topic of physical development during middle adulthood. Physical development is the time when people become increasingly aware of the gradual changes in their bodies this marks the aging process. (Feldman, 2014) Life style choices such as smoking, diet, alcohol and exercise can have an effect on an individual’s physical development according to the text. There is also a height, weight, and strength changes. The changes are happening in a declining rate stated in the text. The senses also decline at this stage in life. As a people age, so does their bodies they go through biological changes. Women go through climacteric and menopause. Climacteric is the transaction from being able to have children to not having them. (Feldman,2014) Menopause is the period when women can no longer have children. (Feldman, 2014) The individual I chose to do my observation on is my aunt she is 49 years old. She is a stroke victim. She had …show more content…

Cognitive development includes learning, memory, problem solving and intelligence. People would lose some mental sharpness as they age. (Feldman, 2014) Intelligence is stable across the lifespan, but processing speed declines as people age. When my aunt had the stroke her memory had declined because she had to go to physical therapy to learn how to talk and walk again. With my aunt having to learn how to talk and walk again, I would think this would be an example of fluid intelligence because she had to learn and take in new information and process it (Feldman, 2014) Even though my aunt’s still has trouble pronouncing words she knows how to talk. When I went to a fast food restaurant with my aunt, she asked me to count her change because she couldn’t count her money by herself. This is due to decline in problem solving because she has trouble counting her money or figuring out how to text people or use her camera on her

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