Photoshop Should Be Banned In The Media Essay

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Consequences of Photoshop in the Media
Why are people so worried about the way they look? Why do people sometimes hate their looks? The answer to these questions is photoshop. Photoshop should be illegal in magazines and social media, because it is destroying people by making them feel insecure and self conscious about their appearance. There are women out there who have depression, eating disorders, and are linked to the way women are displayed in the media. We don't need to chop off half of a woman's thigh to advertise a product. We don't need to bombard every single media outlet with digitally- enhanced images of idealized versions of beauty. The media is encouraging young girls to fear cellulite, curves, and stretch marks (Deschanel). Photoshop should be banned from social media and magazines, because it is destroying people by making them feel insecure and self conscious about their appearance. Photoshop should be banned because it tricks teen girls into thinking that the women they see in social media are what is considered beautiful. It exploits a negative message to teen girls. It causes teen girls to feel self conscious about themselves when they look at photoshopped women. It promotes perfection, that doesn't´ exist. Photoshop should be banned because it is getting way out of hand. It makes teen girls believe that
42% of girls from first to third grade want to be thinner. 78% of 17 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies. 81% of ten year old girls are afraid of being fat. 30% of high school girls have eating disorders, and 16% of high school boys have eating disorders. Reports have shown that teenage girls are more afraid of gaining weight than getting cancer, losing their parents, or nuclear war (Deschanel). In a recent survey conducted by AOL, 80% of teenage women compared their appearance to celebrities in magazines, and 40 % said they were dissatisfied with their looks

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