Photoshop Is Distorting Our Image Of Reality

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Photoshop is everywhere, you may not notice it, but it’s there. In magazines, in advertisements, and even in social media. The process of editing and altering images to create unrealistic photos has become something that we are accustomed to. These unrealistic photos of women and men have set the standard of what our reality should be, perfect. Whether it’s a picture of Kim Kardashian or your next door neighbor, it could have been photoshop. Photoshop is distorting our image of reality, and people are willing to go to drastic measures to try to meet that reality. Advertisements are the most common use of photoshop. They use photoshop to make the viewers feel insecure about themselves and that they need that product that they are selling. "If you feel good about yourself, how many products will you buy? So [advertisers] have to make you feel like you need what they're selling by using unrealistic images,” says author Jessica Weiner (Mehta). Photoshop is also used in social media. Many girls use photoshop to make themselves look prettier. More than 60 percent of girls have admitted …show more content…

Not only does it change the model but it also changes the way we see ourselves. According to Gina Veynshteyn, author of Why Photoshop is More Deadly Than You Thought , more than 78% of 17 year-old girls are unhappy with their body (Veynshteyn). Some girls, when they see pictures of flawless models and celebrities, they pay no notice. But for some girls, they are willing to get surgery to look as flawless as them. Julia Mehta states that more than 300,000 teens less than the age 19 have gotten some type of cosmetic surgery done and the most common surgeries are nose jobs, ear pinnings and skin enhancements (Mehta). That’s not all. In America 7 million women and 1 million men have a eating disorder (Disorder Statistics). These are all examples of how people are trying to change themselves to meet

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