Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of Education Without education people would be lost. Education gives a student the knowledge to survive in a demanding world. It also helps a student grow as an individual. Students need to be motivated to learn by the teacher in the classroom. Motivation can come in different forms and depends on the age of the students. A teacher has many rewarding experiences in the classroom. My goal is to get students interested in learning. Teachers need to make sure that they do not discriminate in their classrooms. Also, they must have good classroom management in order to provide an effective learning environment. My philosophy of education is progressivism. I want my students to learn how to work together to solve problems. After I graduate, I want to further my education by getting my Master's Degree. Most students need motivation to learn. As a teacher, I plan to motivate students by praising and rewarding both good behavior and academic accomplishments. Students are more likely to participate in the classroom when they know that their opinions matter. I will conduct classroom discussions about events happening inside and outside of the school. This will allow my students to express their thoughts and feelings about current events or problems. Students also need to know that their teacher cares about them. I plan on being there for my students when needed. Counseling a troubled student is a small way that a teacher can have a positive impact on that student's life. For example, my tenth grade Biology teacher made it clear that we could talk to her about anything. That year, I had a personal problem and wanted an adult's advice. I confided in this teacher kn... ... middle of paper ... the educator of young minds is an important responsibility. My progressive classroom will prepare students for the real-world with motivation, class discussion, and group work. I want to focus on the needs of my students, not standardized test scores. Working with young people gives educators the chance to make a difference and gain new knowledge. Receiving my Master's Degree will be my next accomplishment after graduating from Concord University. My main goal as a teacher is to get students enthusiastic about their education. The cruel act of discrimination will not be tolerated in my classroom. I will see that good classroom management will be the key to the academic success of my students. Becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine since as early as I can remember. Soon, I will fulfill that dream by graduating and getting my first teaching position.

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