Philosophy Of Compassion Essay

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Philosophy of Compassion
Today world, kinds of compassionate acts and movement from various religious groups and humanitarian organizations can been seen. There may have been different perspectives and numerous definition on compassion. Maybe for many of them compassionate acts might come from the concept that people lack basic human needs and need assistance like for food, water, clothing, shelter while other might do out of pity, sympathy, or empathy. Some may intent just to fill the temporal need of people for a certain time. From these, one can assume that human has kind of feeling of compassion for other. In other words, one can be compassionate person without being a Christian but for a Christian it is a mandatory. Compassion is a sharing life with those who are suffering. It is a lived out faith: who we are. It is helping people in their distresses. It focuses holistic aspects of a person: mental, physical and spiritual needs. It will have to do with people in their discouragement, their guilt, their repentance, their hunger, their helplessness, their insecurity, their loneliness and so on. It necessarily involves actions. Compassion begins with and is rooted in love. God is love so He is compassionate. Compassion is both biblical and theological. It is our heritage in faith.
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Compassionate acts are not just for who cheer us but also for those who are opposing us or undeserved in human sight. Jesus states that what credit will be if we do good to who do good to us. So, in compassionate ministry, there is no deserving or deserved person to be the recipients of compassionate blessings because God is compassionate to all. This suggests we are ought to extend our compassionate acts to people whom we may be unfamiliar, aliens to us, unchurched people. In doing so, God can move people’s hearts because people are not

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