Philadelphia, the movie.

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This movie begins by depicting a bright articulate young lawyer named Andrew Beckett at work. Then the scene rapidly changes to Andrew at an AIDS clinic. You know at this point that Andrew Beckett has AIDS and a horrifying future as you see scenes of men with hollow expressions, open sores and skeleton-like features. It becomes obvious that Andrew was not telling his boss or coworkers that he has AIDS. Later we discover that he concealed this disease because he was afraid of being fired and people’s fear of him as a sick gay man.
One night as he is working late, he is called to the Chief Executive’s office. The Chief bestows his confidence and trust in him by giving him the responsibility over a crucial case and announces his promotion as Senior Associate. After the announcement has been made one of the senior executives notices an AIDS lesion on Andrew’s forehead. He asks Andrew about it. Andrew was momentarily disturbed by the question then quickly explains that he had bumped his head. We find out later that this senior executive had a previous secretary who had AIDS and was aware of what AIDS lesions looked like. The camera focuses on this executive staring at Andrew suspiciously.
Nine days later Andrew’s health conditions worsens and he is seen covered with lesions. He is feverish, vomiting, etc. He works hard at home to conceal the severity of his illness. Even with his illness, he manages to pull the case documents together and is ready to go to court. His friends help...

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