Peter Singer's Essay 'Affluence, And Morality'

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In the paper “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”  Peter Singer defends the idea that is our moral duty to help others in need. Since there are other people in the world that are suffering and we our in a position to give, we are obligated to help create change in the world . In this paper I will explain Peter Singer’s view about how it is our moral duty to help those who are suffering in the world. Then I will present an implication of Peter Singer claim that implies how we are obligated to give upon to others that are suffering. I will then explain an argurment to provide a reason of why someone should support Peter Singer principle. Carried to a logical conclusion, Peter Singer aruement that his principle is clearly obligatory than superagory. I will consider the two actions that Peter Singer gives to distinguish duty versues chariy and argue that his principle should e consider a superagoty action. Since his …show more content…

We consider charity as voluntary giving help, normally in the form of money, in those of need. Duty is being obligated to something that is morally right. In fact Singer suggest that we drastically change our way of thinking. He believes that if people are suffering from lack of food, shelter, and medical care we are morally obligated to create change. We are obligated to give to those in need until their amounts of suffering has decreased. It is widely believed that charity is voluntary, a supererogatory action, while a duty is an obligatory action. Singer shares this view, but there are reason to think that he should not. Singer’s principle seems to imply that it should not be considered a voluntary action to create change and help those in need. And, not only does it only suggest that we should change the way we think, but it indicates that we should do everything that we can to minimize the suffering because it is our moral

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