Pessimism In Catcher In The Rye

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Social norms could make a huge impact on a teen; from always being told to be successful, to having to maintain a good, positive character and trying emulate their parents success. In the novel The catcher in the rye Holden Caulfield as very pessimistic, depressed teen, finds trouble in seeing the good in things. Throughout the story he is explaining his journey which led to him entering the mental facility he is currently in. Holden’s personality is what determines how he behaves; either being influenced by society’s norms or not, he should have still been able to maintain a strong character. His lack of care and pessimistic attitude towards life is what really makes him up to appear as this misfit. Holden throughout the story shows his progress (or lack of thereof) through a certain …show more content…

When we are told that we do good, we’ll do better; when we are told that all we do is bad, we become worse. Holden seems to be arrogant to the fact that the people around him only try to help because they care about him. Holden’s sister Phoebe constantly chastises him to keep his grades up in school, and to stop running away from his issues; for example, every time holden comes across an issue in school, he tries to leaves. Holden may appear to be a misfit though the things he does; such as, always talking about drinking, smoking cigarettes, and his repetitive need to make dismissive remarks about those around him. All these traits could be due to not having been shown love by his parent growing up. Lack of affection at a young age could have really taken a tole on who he is as a person; when someone is raised not being shown love by the people that are supposed to love them most, it can really affect the way they act down the

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