Persuasive Tap Water

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We're always hearing about drinking our seven to eight glasses a day or half of our body weight in ounces, but they never tell us which water to drink. These companies persuade us to buy their water because they want us to believe their water is the best thing since sliced bread and tap water is not good. That argument is completely biased because the purity of tap water is different almost everywhere you go. The benefits of water definitely does outweigh the cost due to money, health and environmental problems.

To start, bottled water has a wide range of money issues. We are paying a tremendous amount of money for something we call a natural resource. "As much of 40% of bottled water actually comes from tap, which means bottled water consumers …show more content…

Due to that particular myth, the bottled water industry is worth billions of dollars, but causing outrageous water droughts around the world. Lake states, "As of 2013 , bottled water sales worldwide topped $117 billion, with experts predicting annual revenues to increase to $195 billion by 2018". Money is being wasted on bottled water. It is the same thing as tap water and we are paying entirely too much for it. We are paying for something that is destroying the world we have to live in, better yet, a world where our children have to live in as well. The money that is being spent on bottled water could be used for fresh tap water in our homes. The money that’s been given to these companies are actually going toward making their …show more content…

"The federal Environment Protection Agency requires that water systems serving more than one million residents test 300 water samples per month, while utilities serving 3 million people or more must collect and test 480 samples monthly, for more than once a week for bottled water" (Social Ink). Meaning, bottled water is so risky that it has to be tested twice as more than tap water. Also, no one thinks about what these companies use to make these bottles that they put this "purified" water in. We really only pay attention to the convenience of it. According to Mercola, "About 40 percent of bottled water is nothing more than tap water! So not only might you still be drinking all the chemicals you were trying to avoid in the first place, you might be exposing yourself to even MORE chemicals by drinking from plastic bottles". Basically, while people are trying to avoid the chemicals in tap water, they are actually making matters worse and taking in more toxic chemicals. People do not realize these hazards. The easier route is drinking tap because no matter what we purchase in stores we honestly do not know what these companies use to produce these products. "Though drinking water directly from a store shelf poses serious health risks, leaving this bottled water in your car or strapped to your bike and exposed to the hot sun will cause even more serious chemical exposure (Mercola,5) therefore, if leaving the bottled

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