Persuasive Speech On Retirement Portfolio

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Have you ever wondered what it would take to amass a million dollar retirement portfolio? Now you can wonder no more, because there’s a magic monthly savings number out there for you, and I’ll show you how to discover it.

Once you uncover your magic monthly savings number, all you’ll need to do is set up a recurring, automatic monthly savings plan, and you’ll be well on your way to building your million dollar nest egg.

First, Decide When You Want to Retire

Whether you want to retire early, late, or at the typical age of 65, the number of years you have until retirement will have a dramatic impact on how much you need to save each month. The good news is: the math is simple and it will only take a few seconds to figure out.

Just take your desired retirement age (when you want to retire) and subtract your current age. …show more content…

Next, Decide How Much You Expect Your Investments to Earn

This one’s a bit trickier, I know. It requires you to think about how risk averse you are (i.e., how much would you freak out if you lost a little, some, or a boatload of your investment portfolio) and to consider the types of investments that are likely to help you get to the investment return you’re comfortable with.

Before we start talking about how much different investments have returned over time, though, you should know this: how an investment performed in the past does not necessarily mean it will perform that way in the future. Even so, the longer your investment horizon (the amount of time you’ll have your money invested), the greater your changes of receiving an overall return that’s closer to the historical long-term average.

Let’s take a look at how a few different investments performed over the past 20 years (which includes the so-called “lost decade,” the first recorded 10-year period when stock returns were flat.)

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