Persuasive Speech On 9/11 Memorials

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Should one of the world’s biggest underwater ocean floor graveyards be invaded for the purpose of history? In the moral eyes of society, no. Who would want to dig up a graveyard? In my eyes, I think the opposite. Salvaging the Titanic solely for historic and study purposes sounds like something extraordinary. Not only would it give us more of an understanding, it would be incredibly educational. If the belongings and the pieces of the Titanic were revived for nonprofit purposes, the world wouldn’t be able to forget what happened to many of their ancestors. Many times, important things go missing from our minds. Although to us, the sinking was catastrophic, later on in life people may not be so affected. Taking what is left and showing it to the world will give us a permanent and physical reminder to what should be kept in mind, and can even teach us all a very important lesson both now and in the future. If we have physical evidence as a memory booster, it could even prevent disaster in the future. The objects saved could remind us that if you get too confident in what you're doing and oversee the consequences, people can get hurt. Artifacts teach us about the past, and what could say it better than the actual scene of a …show more content…

Thousands of people visit that each year. Was it invading a graveyard to make a memorial for a catastrophe? I know a lot of people who would say no. People go into the 9/11 museum and pay their respects. When I went, I was amazed. I was too young to fully understand what happened myself, but going to the museum put everything into a terrible perspective for me. It taught me what my family had to go through and experience. It helped me feel all of the victim’s pain. If the Titanic was done the same justice, I think that kids like me could know what it was like to die in such a horribly unjust way, because it happened before any of us could truly understand what it was like at the

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