Persuasive Speech: 100 Backyards Of Water Per Day

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I. Introduction
A. Attention getter: How would you like to have a couple hundred dollars a year to spend on whatever you want with zero or limited investment and save the planet at the same time?
B. Tie to the audience: “ Everyone here today uses approximately 100 gallons of water per day” and I will show you that each one of you can limit that consumption drastically and save both water and money with little or no monetary investment and just minutes of your time.
C. Credibility Material: I have dedicated over twenty years of my life to helping people save water. I have demonstrated these methods on the Discovery Channel and as the expert plumber for the Bob and Rodman Home Fix It show.
D. Preview: With Earth Day approaching this week, I will show you several do it yourself examples how you can put money in your pocket every month and show you where to get many of these products free of charge.
II. Body
A. Most of us are used to having water when we want it and as much as we want. This is not true …show more content…

The number one waste of water in American homes are the toilets. Older toilets flush 3 to sometimes 5 gallons per flush. “ The newer toilets are required by code to flush less than 1.6 gallons with the more efficient ones flushing under 1 gallon.” The county you live in may offer a rebate to replace your toilet or give you parts to retrofit your existing toilet. “Cobb, Gwinnett, and Fulton counties give $100 back if you replace a pre 1994 toilet with a newer efficient toilet. This covers the cost of the toilet. You may need a plumber to install. But there are many how to videos and the process is quite simple. They also will send a free retrofit kit if replacing is not an option. With minimal tools, this is an easy swap. If these two options aren’t available, one simple trick will save over $100 per year. You fill a milk jug with water and place it in the tank of the toilet. This displaces a gallon of water and saves that gallon every

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