Persuasive Letter To Blackfish

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Dear Mr Jacobs, How could you abduct an innocent 2 year old from his mother? I would never be able to separate a family. But it seems this was never an issue for Seaworld your so called ‘family friendly company’. If this was a human being, there would have been numerous lawsuits, police officers and detectives trying to solve the mystery to reunite the child to its family. However, this devastatingly tragic issue had been concealed away from the public until the documentary Blackfish came to our screens. The documentary made myself and many others question the morality Sea World has. You were given another chance from the public but in your interview with CNN in regarding the documentary you twisted the truth yet again. To begin with, you made an absurd comment quoting ‘’The film fails to mention SeaWorld’s commitment to the safety of its team members and guests and to the care and welfare of animals’’. First of all, I define a team as a group of people who support each other to achieve an aim, not a manipulative organization which threatens its staff from speaking the truth. Worst of all you make your staff kidnap orcas and force them into doing inane circus acts while caging them up in cells. On top of that, the documentary went out of its way and contacted you various times but you had rejected all of the offers to be involved in the process. …show more content…

As orcas in the wild eat an estimate of 375 pounds of various types of animals including leatherback sea turtles, dugongs, moose, penguins and other seabirds. On the other hand, the robotic orcas in your tanks, eat 150-300 pounds of refrozen fish. This minimizes food options and gives the orcas diet a nutritional limit. But even worse your well trained staff who are famous to obey your orders provide on average 80 pounds of gelatin which is used to combat dehydration which you clearly stated they got enough in their captive safe

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