Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Imagine that most animals are extinct, and there are no lions, tigers, or elephants anymore. Who are you going to blame? In our society, it is most common people think that zoos are keeping animals in cages, feed them barely, and it’s causing animals to be depressed, bored, and live less than they could. While some think, that animals are unhappy in zoos and have been used as an object for profit, zoos help people to know more about wildlife and teach us more about animals. Research shows, that many zoos and programs saved animals that were on a point of extinction and helped them to repopulate. In reality, when animals repopulate in zoos, most of them were given freedom to live in a wild and their natural environment. In my opinion, help zoos …show more content…

According to the article “Phoenix Zoo helps save endangered species” by Fox10 that was posted on November 15, 2010, “Arabian oryxes were endangered a few years ago. They were hunted by predators and there was not a lot of oryxes who survived. Phoenix Zoo took care of those oryxes, and helped them to survive and repopulate. Now, there are 6,000 oryxes living around the world in both zoos and wild.” ( This shows that Phoenix Zoo saved specie that was in a point of extinction, and we could have never seen them again. This is important because, without zoos’ help, there would be not a lot of animals in a wild left because of extinction. It is evident that shows that a lot of zoos participate in reintroduction programs that help animals to live and survive in a wild and their natural …show more content…

In fact, animals, that repopulated in zoos, are mostly live in wild. In support of this, according to the article “Reintroduction programs” that was posted by AZA in 2014, “Reintroduction programs, by which animals raised or rehabilitated in, are released into their natural habitats”. This shows that animals, that repopulated in zoos, are being freed to live in wild. In addition, according to AZA, “In 1982, only 23 California condors existed in the wild, however management of these animals in AZA-accredited institutions increased this population to 322 animals in 1992, including 172 now living in the wild.” ( This is important because, after reintroduction program, animals are surviving and reproducing by themselves in their natural environment. This and other evidence supports the claim that the more rare animals are saved in zoos, the more people are interested in seeing them and visit

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