Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Did you know zoos raised about 16 billion dollars to support animals(Zoo Statistics)?Zoos improved in many ways and are helping a lot of animals. Zoos help with endangered animals, zoos try their hardest to care for the animals, and zoos try to make animals feel like they are at home.Zoos do not keep animals captive but help them.
Zoos play a vital role in the conversation of our endangered animals. According to Dr.Lisa, vice president of conversation and science at Chicago's Lincoln' park zoo, states “ Accredited zoos and aquariums AZA [Association of Zoos and Aquariums]contributed some $160 million to conservation efforts in 130 countries, and thousands of zoo scientists are studying innumerable subjects that contribute to the greater understanding of wildlife “(Ganshaw). This shows that zoos are working hard and trying to earn money to help endangered animals. Also, studies show that first that they had only 22 California condors by 1998 but zoos helped and now there are over 400 California condors(Granshaw).This means that zoos are working together to keep endangered animals alive by breeding them so they don't go extinct.This shows that zoos help endangered animals. …show more content…

She only lived so long because of the care she had (Klein). Also “We’re not going to be able to emulate what animals do in the wild,” said Dana Hatcher, a nutritionist at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, “But we are trying to do things that help recreate these natural behaviors to the best of our abilities”(Klein). This shows that they are going to try animals to live longer and give them all the care they need.This is how zoos are helping animals

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