Persuasive Essay: Why Life Needs Death?

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In an interview with Computerworld, author and futurist Ray Kurzweil said that anyone alive -come 2040 or 2050 could be close to immortal. The quickening advance of nanotechnology means that the human condition will shift into more of a collaboration of man and machine, as nanobots flow through human blood streams and eventually even replace biological blood, he added. Let me know! Why Life Needs Death? We do not have a "right to die." A "right" is a moral claim. We do not have a claim on death. Rather, death has a claim on us! We do not and should not decide when our life will end, any more than we decided when it began. Much less does someone else -- a relative, a doctor, or a legislator--decide when our life will end. None of us is master over life and death. We have no right to terminate life. the science of ageing has progressed by leaps and bounds in recent …show more content…

A lot of people are scared by the fact that their life now is all they'll ever get, and dying isn't viewed by most as a pleasant experience, therefore people don't want to die. People are not aware of life after life. They are afraid of the unknown. Is aging inevitability or a disease? Is death the ultimate tragedy or necessary to give life a meaning? If we could live forever, should we want to? If much longer lives are within technological reach, is it our duty to do everything possible to achieve radical life extension, or is it instead our duty to reconcile ourselves to finitude? While it is often joked that cats have nine lives, a certain species of jellyfish has been deemed “immortal” by scientists who have observed its ability to, when in crisis, revert its cells to their earliest form and grow anew. That means that these tiny creatures, 4 mm to 5 mm long, potentially have infinite lives. Too weird to live, too rare to die!

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