Persuasive Essay: Why Children Should Have No Screen Time

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According to the first passage, experts have long known that watching televinsion is not good for children. Now there are more kinds of screens for kids to be distracted or zone out to. Between 2011 and 2013 kids age 8 and under more than doubled their use of media devices. Children under 2 were even higher. Kids cpend an avrage of about 7.5 hours of screen time per day. Guidelines say that children older than 2 years should be limited to about 2 hours a day, and younger children should have no screen time, period. Screen time takes a mental and physical toll on children. Accoording to a scientific article, light from screens confuse viewers' "body clocks," which may disrupt ones' sleep. Spending time on screens also fractures viewers' …show more content…

It leads to lower test scores later in school. Researchers are seeing a significant decrease in kids' creativity. Also, physical activity is more importnant for kids, it helps emotional health development, imagination, thinking and problem solving. The second passgae states that some studies show that too much television leads to weak executive fuction, lower test scores, and obesity in children. These studies are believed to be flawed. Kids who watch more television at young agaes often share other factor that have been tied to these same concerns. Other critics push a "screen time vs. green time" arguement, they blame television and games for kids not playing outdoors. This falsly states that if kids weren't in front of screens they would be outisde playing. The truth is that what is viewed on a screen and how it is viewed is more importnant that screen time. In the 80's, educational television networks approved co-viewing. Researchers say that kids who watched television with their parents, have reduced anger, and fear and increased learning. New studies say that toddlers improve their vocabulary by communicating with a family memeber on screen just as well as they do talking in real

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