Persuasive Essay Sports

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Heywood Broun once stated, “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” Almost all children who engage in any team activity have better communication skills and higher confidence levels than children who do not. Participating in a team sport helps children to communicate better, work together with others, be a leader, control themselves, and have an active lifestyle. Being able to interact with others in a team activity improves peoples’ abilities to build strong friendships and enables them to learn more about themselves. Many people do not always feel comfortable in crowded situations; but in a group sport, with the help of their teammates, fans, and coaches, they can learn how to cope better in everyday situations. Team activities teach children many things they will use in everyday life. In any activity, communication and teamwork are necessities. They also give children a chance to step up, take initiative, and be a leader in a situation, showing their peers that they are dependable and reliable. Some sports situations can lead to heated incidents between players, causing problems for most if not all of their teammates. Knowing that …show more content…

Sports put children in an environment full of fun, active, determined, and hardworking people, pushing them to do the best they can. While doing activities children learn about their peers, making strong connections with them; these connections not only result in having good friends but also gives children someone who will always look out for them, on and off the field. Team activities such as sports not only give children friends that will last a lifetime and allow them to be who they are but also gives them memories they will always have. Sports push children to be who they really are by having them work hard, look out for others, never quit, and always do what they believe is

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