Persuasive Essay: Should Abortion Be Restricted?

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Should abortion be restricted? According to, Marco Rubio 70 -75 percent of people believe there should be some sort of restraints to be able to abort their pregnancy. Hardly anybody is pro-abortion. That said there are people that are pro-choice. While some people think that pro-abortion and pro-choice are the same, they are not. Pro-choice people believe that people have the right to choose, but they do not necessarily like abortion. Could there be a common ground for pro-life and pro-choice? There is room for compromise, but first there needs to be firm data about when the life of the baby actually begins. This needs to be proven universally and there will never be compromise unless it is medically necessary to have an abortion. Both sides …show more content…

The biggest question that needs to be asked according to Marco Rubio is how to resolve the conflict of right to choose and right to live – two fundamental rights – that are in conflict with each other. Marco Rubio acknowledged, “The fact of the matter is that we as a society, as a nation, from a political realm, have always understood that my rights, as important as they may be, end where other people’s rights begin.” The women’s right to choose ends when she is choosing to end the life of an innocent person. This person gets the right to live. The woman’s rights end where the baby’s rights begin. There have been multiple court cases for abortions. The two most famous cases are Roe vs. Wade and Stenberg vs. Carhart. In the Roe vs. Wade case went in favor of Roe. This said that women have the right to terminate a pregnancy before signs of viability. Viability is such a vague term. Viability is when someone can sustain on their own. As Marco Rubio pointed out some nineteen-year old’s aren’t viable. There needs to be universal proof of when life starts in order for this case to have a point. The Stenberg vs. Carhart case overturned a Nebraska law on partial birth abortion. This law allowed a partial birth then the baby would be killed by the doctor. When the court overturned the law there were critics, but there were also people that agreed with the court. Society has to decide which right is more important, the right to choose or the right to

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