Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Don’t you just love to go to zoos and see your favorite rare animal, which you couldn’t see in your home town? Well I sure do! So does the 150 million people who visit 500 zoos in a year. I think I know why people like zoos so much… because they offer and provide protection for wild animals, it breeds endangered animals so there will be more if them, it also provides education for young children who don’t know much about nature. Zoos have the right kind of animals and material to help them understand zoos. I strongly believe zoos are good. In the first place, zoos give out education to young children, who probley don’t have very much access to nature and who probley live in the city. That’s where zoos come in. They take the part of teaching you and me about the part of nature and rare animals we can’t see or admire where we live. Zoos give that opportunity to children maybe sometimes even adults. I can tell you that almost every person reading this took a felid trip to the zoo when they were in grade school. Well I have. When I went I admired the sharks the most. When I went through the tunnel where the sharks where, I saw that the sharks where zooming through the water trying to catch their lunch almost as if no one was there, and as if he was in the wild. …show more content…

Most people would think that care takers would just think about new and affective ways to help the endangered animals get better. But they go above and beyond of that. They find resources to help them find out what breeding program would work best for that specific animal. When they do find that breeding program that will fit the animal’s needs, they work very successfully on comforting the animal every step of the

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