Persuasive Essay On Wildlife Management

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The government of British Columbia has been promising the people of better strategies to manage their declining wildlife. The public has always waited for scientific methods to be used to manage wildlife, but the only way the government has always used to manage wildlife in British Columbia is by eradicating hunting. Although the government does seem to be finding new ways to manage wildlife, yet it is still advocating for the old ways the British Columbians have been opposing. The hunter centric strategies of wildlife conservation are still being practiced by the government, and this is contributing to the decline of some species. The government lacks the proper guidelines and consultation to realize that wildlife in British Columbia can just be efficiently managed through the use of scientific facts.
The government lacks one major step in their attempt to conserve and manage the wildlife: to lay clear and more defined procedures for managing our wildlife. The management plans put across by the government lacks consistency, hence why it is becoming directionless for the …show more content…

The large increase in the season of wolf-trapping indicates that there is a need by the government to minimize the number of wolves in British Columbia (Picket, 2018). The same case happens to the cougars whereby the hunters are allowed to hunt them as a form of recreation and in the training of their dogs. These are just some of the regulations that the government has put across, but the public has no conclusive information about what the government aims at achieving in allowing the killing of cougars and wolves pursuit by the hunters. The rights of the animals are being overlooked by the government when it allows the hunters to pursue the killing of the animals, but the names given to these practices are colored to keep the public from questioning the impacts of the new regulations to the

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