Persuasive Essay On Wildlife Conservation

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Theodore Roosevelt once said, "In a cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen in America.” If only individuals we aware that “Hunters contribute $371 million a year towards the cause of conservation, which one method is by an eleven percent of tax on ammunition” (Hoffer). The revenue from these taxes is reimbursed to buy new land, create new habitats and to enforce security to stop poachers from illegal hunting. As a result, this prevents numerous wild animals from becoming extinct or endangered. For an extended amount of time, hunters have had a negative reputation for being the leading cause of extinction in wildlife. This is a trending topic in today 's society because hunters are criticized …show more content…

“There 's about 37 million hunters in the United States, and every single one of them contributes. (HCW)” Hunters finance wildlife programs through the Pittman- Robertson 's act. This act is a tax, on ammunition and hunting-related equipment. The revenue collected from this tax goes directly to wildlife agencies. Improving wildlife habitat and conducting research are ways that revenue helps conservation systems. Hunters unite to "buy and conserve private lands for wildlife habitat, partner with state and federal agencies on large-scale conservation, and lobby for laws and policies that benefit wildlife. (DNR)" Additionally, through these measures, hunters subsidize programs such as the North American Wildlife Foundation, National Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever who offer many benefits to conservation. They range from protection of endangered species such as the “Amur Leopard, Black Rhino, Bornean Orangutan(WWF)” to the restoration efforts in habitats such as the “Tongass National, Central Cascades, Oregon Forest and etc. (Schwedler)” Everything that is being done to conserve wildlife would not be possible if it wasn’t for

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