Persuasive Essay On Track And Field

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PED is no place for Track and Field PEDs is a bad drug that enhances your ability in a sport. People use PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs) because they want to balance the playing field. When people do PEDs they face consequences that can sometimes ruin their life. When athletes use PEDs, it in’t fair to the other athletes that are playing. Another reason you shouldn’t use PEDs is because there are health consequences that they can face. When People do PEDs they face consequences. Track and Field probably has the strictest anti-doping policy I know. According to The World Anti-Doping agency, World anti-Doping Code that you do track and you presence, use, or attempted use, of doping for the 1st violation you are ineligible for two years. …show more content…

When athletes/people use steroids, they usually do it to try and tilt the playing field to their own advantages. There are many health problems that occur when you do PEDs. Some problems are, increased risk of heart-relate death and long-term cardiovascular damage. The most commonly used steroid is called anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids have the ability to induce protein synthesis, particularly in muscle cells. These steroids are also androgenic, which means that they cause changes characteristic of males, such as growth of facial hair, loss of scalp hair, deepening of voice, skin oiliness, and aggressive behavior. Some athletes think that they should use PEDs to get a boost in the game if there not as good as other players. However there are consequences that go along with do steroids. It also isn’t fair to other athletes who don’t use steroids. Finally there are many health risks that occur, here are some of them for males. Breast tissue development, Shrinking of the tentacles, impotence, and reduction of sperm production. Some health risks for females are, deepening of the voice, Cessation of breast development, Growth of hair on the face, stomach and upper back, enlarged clitoris, abnormal menstrual cycles. Those are just some of the health risks. That is why you should not use

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