Persuasive Essay On The Veil

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In recent years, a small piece of cloth has managed to cause quite a stir. The scarf, or hijab, that Muslim women wear on their heads is making headlines around the world. Hijab is banned in French public schools and other European countries have adopted or are thinking about a similar legislation. In Australia, a radio presenter triggered both debate and outrage when he called for the face veil (niqab) to be banned from banks and post offices. In Canada on the other hand, it is allowed to be worn freely unless in places such as airports for security reasons. Even some Muslim countries such as Turkey and Tunisia ban the hijab in certain government buildings. When a small piece of fabric causes such controversy and conflict, wouldn’t it be easier to remove it? Why then, under such circumstances, do Muslim women wear scarves?
There are many different views towards Muslim choice of clothing especially wearing the veil. “I wear it believing it is necessary, but someone else can be wearing it believing that she is doing something extra” said Hamna Ahmed. One of the many reasons a Muslim can be wearing the veil are their own personal decisions too. Hamna has been wearing it for seven years now, despite her mother and three of her four sisters staying uncovered. Socially this causes an issue with the meaning of the veil and conflict with other groups. With many different consumptions of religion, what it means, what is considered to be practicing and what is not can lead to negative misunderstandings. Ultimately the decisions are up to the individuals although; there is likely to be misinterpretation between the meaningfulness of religion to family and society. On an even bigger scale of things this could also impact society and it...

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...nizable that the social issue can obtain social control. The social issue remains how society thinks about certain types of religions with based assumptions from sources such as the media. Using many of the solutions previously listed and further understanding of religion and the individual can bring us to obtain social control. How one comes to interpret such issues is influenced by the society and often leads to mistreatments. In relation to the article the lady felt as though it was herself against a group of people that is how it often is when people add race and ethnicity as sociological problems. Furthermore, it is imperative to understand that there is two ways view a religion from an outsider’s perspective. Essentially a religious follower is either laidback or ‘hardcore’ but both are committed to themselves and then to the religion in which they follow.

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