Persuasive Essay On The Homeless

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Cars are a fantastic invention. They make our lives even more carefree by getting us from place to place quickly while eradicating the need for legs altogether. There is no doubt that the benefits of driving from place to place are numerous. However, driving takes a whole lot of fuel, and everyone knows that fuel for cars isn’t the most plentiful (or cheapest!) of resources. Picture this. Remember that man you saw on your way to school this morning, the man walking up and down the street? That man is part of an incredibly high population of homeless citizens in America; the amount of homeless is roughly estimated to be around 2.3 million people. That’s approximately 1 in 10 people living without a home. If only there was a way to supply the population with a cheaper, more plentiful alternative to gasoline that is in such a high demand. If only there was a way to give those millions of homeless Americans a job and a place to stay. If only we had camps that housed the homeless in return for nothing but physical labor! Homeless people are rich in natural oils. The absence of...

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