Persuasive Essay On Sweepstakes

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Why You Should Never Buy a Lottery Ticket Again Dying in a plance crash, getting killed by flesh-eating bacteria, drowning in your bathtub, getting struck by lightening. What do all of these things have in common? They are all things that are more likely to happen to you than winning the lottory. These statistics are quite sobering and yet many people don't think twice about buying a lottory ticket, but steer clear of sweepstakes because they think the latter requires too much time and effort. Sweepers however have calculated the odds and it is why for them entering sweepstakes have become a hobby. Unlike the lotto, which is a money sink, entering sweepstakes is a hobby that not only cost nothing, but also frequently pays off. For some people the word "sweepstakes" is still synonoumous with stuffing an envelope and spending money on postage, but this is no longer the case. Some sweepstakes still allow this archiac form of entry, but for the most past sweepstakes these days are all done through online forms. It couldn't be easeir to enter either as you simply type in your information before submitting. …show more content…

Sure, you probably won't be able to swim around in your own vault full of money like Scrooge McDuck by winning sweepstakes, but all those prizes can quickly add up. Besides, statistics have shown that about the only think more unlikely to happen to a person than winning a major lottery is getting hit by a meteor, which goes to show how bad the odds are. With sweepstakes on the other hand your chance of winning is dependent on the total number of entries received which results in pretty good odds considering the amount of sweepstakes that are available at any given moment. Besides, many people only enter sweepstakes for items that they really want, which results in better odds for sweepers who enter everything they can

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