Persuasive Essay On Supersize Me

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Food companies everywhere are facing the people-- overly enthusiastic zealots want the government to interfere and stop them from advertising to children. This is unethical because it isn’t the government’s concern to say what companies can and can’t advertise. Furthermore, the government doesn’t have the power to decide what food companies say; on the contrary, they would just be creating trouble for everyone. Furthermore, the economic impact would be devastating! The food industry is more important than people realize. It is food companies’ right to be able to advertise to whoever they want, however they want.
In the first place, in order to fully understand and explore the problem, it is critical to fully comprehend the government’s role in these regulations. The United States has long shown its support for stifling food companies advertisements. In a country that claims to show complete and total support for free speech (The Constitution reads “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of …show more content…

And although other countries, including Sweden, have already placed a ban on child-targeted food advertising, the fact that they do not have obligations to allow citizens-- or anyone in the country, for that matter-- express themselves freely provides a perspective on the fact. Furthermore, the government tried in the 1960s to regulate food advertising, but advocation stopped them.Supersize Me, a 2004 documentary, also states that (in 2004) instead of regulating food companies, the “Cheeseburger Bill” was passed, saying it is illegal to sue food companies for making you obese. That’s right; a bill passed in the favor of the companies that the government tried to restrain only a few decades ago! Not only is it unethical to stop companies from advertising, it’s improbable that the government will actually succeed. In addition to these points, the fact that the United States should be

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